WWW, March 29 2017 - Over two years
since the last update. Apart
from a few postings on the Dubroom Message Boards and Google+ as well as some
interesting discussions on YouTube, nothing has come out from yours truly. So
what has been going on?
Was it a coincidence that I had to get to the
hospital just a few days before I would do my first performance of the year?
This question has been running through my mind several times. Of course, it had
to come one day, that's for sure. A thing that might illustrate my condition was
the fact that my weight was a mere 53 kilo (116 pound). I thought I was 65 (143
pound). I was seriously underfed, which obviously had a consequence. So yes, it
was a matter of time before I would end up in hospital. No doubt about it.
After my initial revalidation process, I
gradually regained some strength. At first I couldn't walk for more than 5
minutes without having to rest. Currently I am driving my bicycle almost daily
and I make trips of 40 kilometers (25 miles) on average. Takes me two, two and a
half hour. While I'm riding, I'm listening to things. Debates, interviews,
lectures, audio books. I'm catching up, that's a fact. It wouldn't have happened
without me having to change my lifestyle significantly.
Still, I find it hard to simply ignore the
timing of everything.
The Bible says that "we know that all
things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called
according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28). Not hard to imagine how can see
my hospitalization and subsequent change of lifestyle in this very same context.
You see, while I was doing all these musical things I did not have time to
actually to an in-depth study of the Book of Books. To examine and deepen my
faith, the most important thing in my life.
It begged the question: "What is more
important, to entertain people or to grow in knowledge and therefore in
fruit?" Asking the question is actually answering it. Sure there is a time
and place for everything. A time to rejoice, a time to mourn. A time to be
angry, a time to forgive. A time to share, for example my musical productions,
and a time to just take and gain, in this case: knowledge and hopefully some
more wisdom.
Recently I watched an interview with the very
well known hard rock artist Alice Cooper. Turned out he gave his life to Jesus.
He said something like: "You know, God said to me, now you've seen enough
and now I want you for myself", something to that effect. I can see a bit
of a parallel, even though I'm a born again Christian since 1985. Not being part
of any Christian Industrial complex, just out there "in the world", as
it is called. Performing at places where you average Christian doesn't go, just
to share Jah Light. Sharing, giving.
A few days before I would perform, God at least
put me out of action. I had nothing more to give.
In hindsight, I can see that this did not came
out of nowhere, even though it seemed so at the time. I read updates from
before. I think about the enormous fatigues I had while still feeling compelled
to "trod on" as the saying goes. Even Christians were more interested
in the music than anything else. For me it was no question, even though I did
develop a view of myself being the band that plays the music while the Titanic
is sinking about 5 years or so ago. No, there was no way for me or others to
start realizing I was not the well that never runs dry.
My collapse two years ago changed all of that.
Because it's already two years, I can say that
I think I am in a new phase in my life. Having made hundreds of tracks of which
95% are free to download, is that not enough? Do I need to produce more of the
same, just for the sake of having a flow? It costs a lot of money, time and
health to do so.
I think the time is there for me to continue
studying, learning, deepening my faith and staying reasonable healthy.
Let's keep in touch.
One Love,
Messian Dread